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What is the coronavirus and what are its symptoms?

What is the coronavirus and what are its symptoms?

What is the coronavirus and what are its symptoms?

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The coronavirus has been known about for a while but its cases have only just begun to hit public consciousness. This comes after the health authorities in Norway issued a warning about an outbreak of a fatal type of coronavirus in Norway. So what is the coronavirus and what are its symptoms? The coronavirus was discovered in a 1986 lab experiment in Norway. It’s a respiratory infection that can cause pneumonia and diarrhea. The virus was named after its first two victims: Danish doctor Hans Chr. Christensen and Norwegian nurse Gjermund Frisæs. The coronavirus is common in animals but not humans. Dr. Hans Chr. Christensen, who was infected and died from the coronavirus in 1986. (Credit: Dr. Torkel Klingberg, Statens Serum Institut) How do coronaviruses cause severe symptoms?


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